Note: This is my English journal, just try to keep something about my classes in English for practicing English writing. Discussion and Correction are welcome.
In the English class today, we talked about how to dig deeply to find something that we appreciate about people around us.
I heard some student bragging about herself.
She said she owns a coffee shop and she is the kind of person who tries to be perfect, so that she is always wondering why her staff are all unbelievable stupid.
And she said she finally knows the answer....
"I am smart, so I am the boss. They are stupid, so they are the employees."
How arrogant. How could you be perfect if you could not even respect those people who work for you?
目前分類:English 要加油區 (5)
- Jun 07 Thu 2012 04:58
They are employees because they are stupid?
- Jun 06 Wed 2012 03:49
I got a prize again...more English classes
Note: This is my English journal, just try to keep something about my classes in English for practicing English writing. Discussion and Correction are welcome.
My membership of Tutor ABC will be ended this August, so I have to finish all my classes in next 2 months. Therefore, I almost take 5 classes everyday and spend a lot of my time on studying English. It's tiring.
Recently, the company provides some prizes in some "Special Sessions", the student who be the first one to answer a question correctly will win a prize.
I ASSUMED the prizes will be something like free movie tickets or coffee vouchers, so I was excited to participate in this game. I won twice and finally found that they gave me 20 free English classes as my prizes....
I am frustrated with the prizes because I don't have time for another 20 classes.
I thought the game was ended last month. But today, in the end of the class, when the teacher asked all the students a question and I answered it instinctively, I found that I won another 10 classes again....
- Jun 02 Sat 2012 03:21
Today's English classes are sucks (TutorABC今天惹毛了我)
2015/07/15 更新
2013/01/25 更新
其實我認為Tutor ABC 這樣的上課方式是很方便、也應該是有效率的,這也是為什麼我當初願意花錢加入,而且我跟當時的男友(現在的老公,沒八卦,嘿嘿)總共繳了十七八萬台幣一起成為會員。
我受不了的問題是在於,它既然是英文教學機構,卻對於老師的素質跟教材的品質,沒有好好把關和要求!! 還有一開始業務(他們稱顧問)在招生時,根本就只是為了要招攬你,把整個系統講得太美好,半哄半騙的只為了讓你簽約繳錢,之後並沒有真正用心地去關心你的進度和學習狀況。(會員那麼多哪管的了你一個??當初的顧問又忙著去招攬新會員了)
好的老師我也遇過幾個,像是Samantha & Nicolas 真的是兩位適合各種程度學生、教學認真、英文程度也很好的老師(他們倆位都是土生土長的美國人、住紐約上州),建議會員可以多上他們的課。
但若就整個Tutor ABC 的老師水準平均來說,我想應該會比較適合程度較低、且不太敢開口講英文的朋友,加入後可以藉著Tutor ABC的一對多平台,不須露臉、先習慣開口講英文,習慣跟老師、同學對話,然後同時要參加大會堂的課程去改善文法 (我個人認為大會堂的教材比較有水準、上大會堂的老師素質也都比較好)。
至於程度已經中上的朋友,花同樣的錢找一個家教到家裡來陪你練英文,會比參加Tutor ABC 有效的多。 (Tutor ABC 一對一課程,一堂45mins換算台幣1200~1300,這價碼很容易找到外國家教老師來家裡上課了,而且可以上足一小時)
我的會員期已經結束了,雖然在會員期當時已經有很多不滿,但我還是一堂課也沒浪費的全部上完了,建議若已經是會員的朋友,一定要勇於爭取自己的權益,千萬不要因為不滿、或不喜歡老師,就不上課,至少可以多挑一些大會堂的課程上,若是上課經常遇到發音很怪的老師,心裡就想....以後出國也是會遇到發音很怪的人....算是先開始熟悉各種不同的腔調吧 :P
若不是會員,正在考慮加入會員呢? 該說的問題我都說了,就看你覺得可不可以克服這些問題囉。
The English learning program I take is called Tutor ABC which allows me to study English online 24/7. I have to register classes in advance and then the staffs of Tutor group will arrange the topics and the teachers/consultants who are usually native English speakers (but not always) for me.
The teachers or consultants of Tutor ABC are not all qualified enough, so sometimes you may feel that you are wasting your time in some classes. I've got this concern before I paid for the Tutor ABC program, but the staff , who tried to convince me, told me that I could score the teacher after the class and if I gave him/her a bad score, I would never meet the teacher again. Sounds really good, wouldn't you say?
Since I want to improve my conversation ability the most, I think meeting a lot of different teachers with different intonation and backgrounds may help, I never tried to filter the teachers by scoring them very bad.
But recently, I had extremely terrible experiences with one teacher. I thought that he is totally unqualified and I don't want to take his classes anymore, so I gave him a bad score (3 points from 1~10). But I met him again several days later, that forced me to give him a worse, actually the worst score, "1 point" from 1~10, I really don't want to waste my time and money.
Unfortunately,I met him again and found that he will host all of my 2 classes today, I am not happy with this. I decide to skip the classes, although I can't take my money back, but at least I can save my time....
So I finally realize what the Tutor ABC staff told me might be just a lie.
P.S. 發現人在盛怒之下,潛力也是無限的,英文不怎麼樣的我一下子就抱怨這麼一大篇出來,今天實在相當不爽,決定把這篇再翻成中文。
應該是一年半前,本人又心血來潮決定好好練一下英文,在Tutor ABC 的廣告連結上留下了資料,然後被他們客服說服,就跟林老爺一起花了大把銀子買了他們的課程。
但最近我實在是遇上一個我無法接受的老師,他只會叫我念課文,唸完叫我回答教材上的問題,不管我回答甚麼,就是very good、perfect,有一次我的網路斷掉,他根本沒聽到我回答甚麼,他還是講 very good,基本上我無法接受我要花一小時400NTD 在這樣的老師身上,那我還不如自己找一篇英文文章自我陶醉的朗讀一遍就好?
於是我下了重手,評了他3分 (最高10分,最低1分),很不幸的我那天兩堂都是他上課,我浪費了800NTD 和 90 MINS 的光陰。
但隔了兩三天,我又遇到他了,我覺得我實在是Tutor ABC 的好顧客跟好學生,我還是忍耐著上完了課,然後這次狠下心給了他1分。我想這輩子應該不會再遇到這老師了吧?但是我又再度浪費了400NTD + 45 mins 的青春。
很不幸的,今天我又遇到了,更不幸的是,我今天兩堂課都是他(也就是800NTD + 90 mins 寶貴的人生),說真的我超火的,第一堂課我本來不想進去了,想了想決定至少進教室,把教材下載下來,於是遲了15mins 後我還是進入了教室,然後一邊上,我一邊覺得我根本在浪費時間,越想越氣。到了第二堂課我就只進去下載了教材,然後就退出教室了。(很抱歉,這兩堂課的錢是不能退的,但是我寧願不上,至少我不用浪費我的時間,省下來的時間剛好拿來寫了封抱怨EMAIL給客服,順便寫了這篇抱怨文)
It really pisses me off!!!!!!!! Tutor ABC sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
- May 31 Thu 2012 23:43
Keep an English Journal
Note: This is my English journal, just try to keep something about my classes in English for practicing English writing. Discussion and Correction are welcome.
My English teacher told me that writing something in English everyday will help. Well, let me give it a try...
I havn't written something in English since I quit my job last November. I take some English classes recently, but we only practice reading, talking and pronunciation. It's difficult for me to keep a diary everyday even in Chinese because I am not good at telling stories, but I will try to keep something related to my English studying.
Please kindly correct me if there are any mistakes (grammatical, spelling, vocabulary or preposition using...).
- Apr 24 Tue 2012 00:52
常見錯誤一:5 minutes later (或是 one period of time + later)
英文裡只有 in 5 minutes 或是 later
I will be there in 5 minutes 我五分鐘內會到那裏
I will be there later. 我晚一點會到那裏 (但我不確定要多久)
說起來也是,我們中文常常說 "我五分鐘後會到那裏",我們的理解是大概5分鐘會到,但是仔細看字面上,這其實是個不負責任的說法,因為"五分鐘後會到",按字面解釋其實代表的是最少五分鐘,最多....不知道要多久,那就應該直接說"我晚點會到",所以英文的說法可以理解成比較負責任的說法,"我五分鐘內會到"具體的說明五分鐘以內一定會到達那邊,或直接說"我晚點會到",不要給人有時間的期望。
常見錯誤二:too over
我們常在想要表達"太超過"或是"太多"時,用了too over來表示,但基本上英文裡沒有這個講法,英文裡應該是使用"too much" (這個大家應該也都會,重點是不能用too over)。
常見錯誤三:Tell me about that!! (句子是對的,但對這句子的理解經常是錯的)
當你聽見外國人跟你說"Tell me about that" 時,通常代表的是"I can't agree you anymore" (我實在是太同意你講的了)
嘿嘿,不是叫你再多跟他講些甚麼.....有沒有很shock 阿????
A: It's extremely crowded in the department store today. 今天百貨公司人超多
B: Tell me about that. 我跟你一樣看法 (通常意味著B 可能今天也去了百貨公司所以她也有相同體驗,絕對不是要叫你跟他解釋百貨公司是怎麼樣個人多喔!!)
常見錯誤四:我要去吃喜酒(參加別人的婚禮) 英文怎麼說?
大部分台灣學生都會說: I am going to attend a wedding party.
但在英文裡,wedding party 指的是在婚禮前,伴郎跟伴娘才能參加,要替婚禮做準備的活動。
正確的"婚禮(結婚的宴客)"英文應該是 wedding reception
所以我要去參加婚禮應該說:I am going to attend a wedding reception.
(或是簡單說 I am going to attend a wedding/ I am going to attend my friend's wedding)
p.s. 結婚的典禮或儀式 = wedding ceremony